

Private Power Systems

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Larry at age 4

Old Site

I am willing to consult just about anyone about anything.

But I suppose you might be interested in results.

If you are "getting your feet wet" in a new technology, I may be able to give you some pointers. If you have a question and I can answer it easily, I'll just do that. If you need deep help with a certain subject or problem, I'll try to be realistic about my capabilities in the area. I'm big on helping people to become their own best advisers, but I realize there are limits to this.

What I offer is a way for you to grab the attention of a pretty bright guy for a period of time for not a huge expense to see if another viewpoint might be all you need to unsnarl the situation.

$20 per hour if it looks pretty involved.

You can find out a little more about myself and my interests on my old site (see link).

Introducing Private Power Systems

Start moving your personal electronics off the grid. Click here


I did the Scientology Volunteer Minister Course in 2006. As a Volunteer Minister, I will not charge you for general guidance concerning your life choices or what Scientology technologies might be helpful in your particular situation. Our help is yours.

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