
Periodic Chart (partial) Figure 1. Part of the periodic chart of elements. How much intelligence went into the creation of matter?
fake snouter Figure 2. Sculpture of an imaginary animal. How were life forms really engineered?
a wizard illustration Figure 3. Modern concept of a being with super-human powers (wizard). What would life be like if we were all wizards?
Cover of Gulliver's Travels Figure 4. A society of little people manages to overpower a giant by virtue of their ability to organize. How can powerful beings stay free?

Conclusions: A Synthesis


To get some sort of workable understanding of life at this point in our development requires a synthesis of scientific and spiritual knowledge.

Science has more-or-less plumbed all the gross forces of the physical world. It is still working to catalog and organize all the patterns of life forms. It has barely managed to scratch the surface of any workable truth about relationships between living beings. And studies like psychiatry have gone off the deep end and turned traitorous. In all its investigations it has discovered and put to use a marvelous array of natural patterns and laws.

The legacy of spiritual studies, on the other hand, is mostly mumbo-jumbo. However, recent advances (though not all would agree they are advances) have started to change that. These days students of the spiritual are becoming more and more sure of themselves. They are discovering technologies in their own domain and using them to improve their own lives and the lives of others. Some of them have even discovered what appears to be an antidote for the evil use of physical force, or at least a preventative approach. Spiritual technologies are beginning to show some scientific workability.

When I take the findings of the scientific realm and integrate them with the findings of the spiritual researchers, I come up with a picture of life that includes at least these essential points:

  • Life seems able to control or influence the physics of certain situations.
  • The profoundly organized patterns of matter and life forms can best be interpreted as the products of intelligent engineering.
  • Though there is a persistent notion of spiritual oneness, it is clear that most spiritual beings today exist as individuals who are, each one, totally unique.
  • It has been found, and it is widely agreed, that at least some beings have existed for an extremely long time relative to the life of a planet, a star, or a galaxy.
  • Thus it is entirely possible that physical and living forms, as seen today, are the creations of groups of beings who long ago mastered and agreed on various basic patterns of operation and organization for matter, energies, space, time, and life forms.
  • In tracing the forward development of these beings, we get a picture of early times full of creation and chaos, with a universe populated by beings who were extremely free and able. But they lacked wisdom, and were naive and childish in their approach to each other and to the overall game that they were in the process of creating.
  • There arose an enormous conflict between these creator-beings and the the organized societies which they helped to create.
  • The organized societies were able to win out in this struggle, by finding ways to trap and de-power the creator-beings, one by one. These technologies would also be used to subdue unruly group members. The undesireables were then sometimes banished to remote areas. Apparently Earth was one such area.
  • Earth, therefore, is in a unique position. Its human populations include large numbers of misfits; rogue beings from all over the universe. Made forgetful and confused by their previous societies, they never realized the truth of their situation or that they had anything in common. However, this may now be changing. We are beginning to see that what we have in common is a love of, indeed a heartfelt devotion to, spiritual freedom. This core value is still under attack from the remnants of those super-organized societies that also live here. The key to solving this dilemma seems to be to increase popular awareness of these truths. The fight for spiritual freedom is becoming Earth's new paradigm. We are possibly somewhat unique in the universe in this respect. That means that if we can win freedom for beings here on earth, the problem of regaining it across the entire universe of life remains a very real challenge.

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