
illustration of a death from viewpoint of dead person Figure 1. Some people report being able to see their dead body after they die.
Ian Stevenson Figure 2. Ian Stevenson studied past life stories of children.
John Mack Figure 3. John Mack studied alien encounter events.
clay cylinder with cunieform writing Figure 4. Example of an ancient clay cylinder.
Jordan Maxwell and Zecharia Sitchin Figure 5. Jordan Maxwell (right) studied ancient and occult symbols. Zecharia Sitchin studied and translated many ancient clay cylinders.
caduceus used on a modern emblem Figure 6. The Caduceus is one of many examples of ancient sacred symbols coming into modern use. Note how the two snakes mimic the DNA double helix.
Alex Jones Figure 7. Alex Jones is a journalist who has uncovered many occult influences among modern politicians.
Alex Collier Figure 8. Alex Collier is one of many contactees who is trying to attract popular attention to alternative understandings of life, science, and society.
David Icke Figure 9. David Icke is a British ex-television personality who has likewise found compelling alternative realities. This image is from a dvd cover shown on his web site.

Outline of Findings of Paranormal Research


From my point of view, what paranormal research is, essentially is an attempt to apply the tools and techniques of science to the subject of the spiritual. The only problem with that is that the spirit is not physical and therefore simply cannot be understood in the same way that an apple or an atom or an ape can be understood.

As a result, this field is full of incredible data and terrible conclusions. The only way to know about something spiritual is to communicate with it directly. There is simply no other workable form of knowing in this realm. Therefore, people like Freud were on the right track. It is quite possible that someone succeeded in derailing him, as they have so many others before him.

When it comes to paranormal research, there is no substitute for trusting your own observations and those of others who you would normally also trust. And there is no substitute for confronting a phenomenon and attempting to communicate with it directly.

Thus you will find many people in this field who are totally sure they are onto something, but don't really know what to do about it. Well, they are helping to document these phenomena, and they should get some credit for that. But they will never get on top of this subject unless they are willing to:

  1. Develop their own spiritual abilities at least up to a par with the people who are having the paranormal experiences.
  2. Willing to stand up and talk about what they have directly observed regardless of ridicule or attempts to ostracize them professionally.

This said, these studies have documented the existence of a large range of paranormal phenomena, including but not limited to:

  • Hauntings of all types.
  • Partial or full materialization of images of long dead persons.
  • Psychokinetics - (mind controlling matter).
  • Including psychokinetic murder.
  • Sensitivity to magnetic or radio fields that are invisible to most people.
  • Various forms of precognition (predicting the future, probably mostly based on knowing someone's secret intentions.)
  • Various forms of non-physical communication (telepathy and remote viewing).
  • Past lives, and awareness and exteriorization during unconsciousness (near death).
  • Basically this boils down to the fact that the spirit can have a life of its own, without a body or outside of its current body, and that it is capable of doing many of the same things it could do with a body, with additional abilities on top of those.

In other words, they have documented most of the same phenomena and abilities that have always been asserted by the various spiritual studies. But by failing to learn how to communicate with the entities they study they are still largely ignorant of many important details of human history and human experience, in particular, about what a being may choose to do, or feel compelled to do, after its body dies.

Resources - Human Research

You have to include L. Ron Hubbard's work in any discussion of the paranormal. It is not that it was HIS focus. It is just that his work potentially sheds much light on past data and misconceptions. You need his books from 1952 and later. History of Man is a good place to start. He was still running incidents Dianetics-style but by this date he was really starting to use a meter, and had basically shifted his emphasis to the larger picture encompassed by Scientology.

Maverick Psychiatrists

There are two major sources of paranormal data that come from the world of psychiatry. Though this work is closer to the true mission of psychiatry, I still firmly believe that psychiatry as we know it today must be dismantled and replaced by one or more activities that will be honest and effective.

Ian Stevenson

Dr. Stevenson was a distinguished paranormal researcher. He did extensive research into the past life stories of children, mostly in India.

John Mack

Dr. Mack was a well-known phychiatrist connected to Harvard. He did research mostly into ET close encounters.

Resources - Spiritual Practices
Older Religions

In this category are religious teachings, mostly based on the Vedas, our oldest scriptures, that are openly disseminated, taught, and discussed. The fact that they are mostly ET-based is finally becoming recognized.

Zecharia Sitchin

Zecharia has devoted his entire life to translating ancient clay cylinders attributed to the Sumerians. He has published his interpretations in a series of books.

Michael Tellinger

Michael got interested in Sitchin's work fairly recently. In his books he attempts to validate Sitchin's findings with modern science and archaeology.


In this category are the esoteric teachings. These were not meant to be exposed to the broad public. Today this is seen as an ET-based mandate that served their own purposes, not necessarily ours. This category includes Satanism, a form of religion gone all the way south.

Jordan Maxwell

Jordan has spent most of his life studying and interpreting occult symbolism. He has also had ET contact experiences.

Alex Jones

As a journalist, Alex loves to poke fun at the establishment. But when he found out that many leaders in business, finance and government seemed to be connected with Satanic ritual, things got more serious.

Resources - ET Data

It seems that most of the data and beliefs we have concerning the paranormal originate from writings or beliefs placed here by ETs. The paranormal, due to its nature as an indication of hidden influences was seen as a perfect control mechanism, and has been so used. It has taken many and diverse aspects on this planet.

But what some are quite certain of, while others wish to conceal or ignore it, is that the ETs have come back to try again. They always speak to us through human contacts.

Most of these contactees are listed on the Alternative Sciences page. Most contactees do not dwell on the paranormal, yet they are talking about phenomena and issues that most of us would see as paranormal. For example, most of them communicate with ETs using telepathy. So I will mention here the people who are more on the outskirts of the ET contact experience.
Alex Collier
Alex has posted many videos of his lectures. He recently gave a major live presentation at the Awake and Aware Conference in Los Angeles (September 2009). He emphasizes the need for us to find our own solutions. The good ETs can only act as mentors.
David Icke

According to David, he got wrapped up in this scene when voices started telling him where to go and what to pay attention to. He is now one of the major interpereters of the modern Earth situation, with an emphasis on consciousness.

Abduction Researchers

Abductions are bizarre experiences in most cases. There is a long history of them. They are being researched mostly by people who use various forms of hypnotism to get the subjects to remember what happened to them. I consider this rather crude, considering that auditing technology is available and has even been used in a few of these cases. The premier researchers in this area are David Jacobs and Bud Hopkins.

Remote Viewers

According to at least one report, the original team who taught the governement how to do remote viewing at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) were former Scientologists who had attained similar abilities from their own auditing. They included Ingo Swann, Russell Targ, and Hal Puthoff. Remote viewing is a form of controlled out-of-body experience. Many researchers into the ET problem have learned how to do it to one degree or another.

Outline of Findings of Paranormal Research

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